What sets ACU School of Divinity apart?


All of our faculty not only hold degrees from top-level, reputable institutions, they are also committed churchmen, with years of experience as local church pastors and elders.



ACU Seminary is a Reformed, Confessional institution that holds to the Second London Baptist Confession of 1689.



The ACU School of Divinity is a ministry of ReBCAZ (Reformed Baptist Churches Association Zambia. We are accountable to local churches, and function as an extension of local church ministry.


Highest Academic Standards

The ACU School of Divinity is committed to upholding the highest academic standards. We seek the highest level of accreditation available for all of our programs, and utilize lecturers who hold degrees from reputable institutions.

Degree Offerings

Zambia Theology Studies

Batchelor of Arts in

The BA in Theology is designed to lead students to love, understand, and apply the Word of God through the study of Bible, history, theology, and biblical worldview.

Upon completion of the BA in Theology, students will be able to:

  1. Students will be able to demonstrate a knowledge of the Bible, interpret Scripture’s original meaning, and apply Scripture to contemporary situations.
  2.  Students will be able to integrate systematic and historical theology into a larger biblical framework.
  3.  Students will be able to describe and practice a philosophical defence and promotion of Christianity.
  4.  Students will be able to explain the fundamental elements of a Christian worldview and the relation of that worldview to daily life.

Master of Arts in
Pastoral Theology

The MA in Pastoral Theology is a full-time, HEA accredited, two-year programme designed for those pursuing a calling in pastoral ministry.

ACU’s MA in Pastoral Theology offers the highest level of biblical, theological, and pastoral instruction available in Zambia.

Our programme was designed by a team of pastor-theologians with decades of local church and academic experience (all holding advanced degrees).

The programme will prepare candidates for the unique and challenging nature of pastoral ministry, including officiate, pastoral, and organizational functions. And all of this in the context of a flexible programme that will allow our students to remain in the field and continue their current duties.

Our graduates will be held to the highest academic, professional, and personal standards, and we will equip them to serve in ways that will uphold both their calling, and the interests of the congregations and/or academic institutions they serve.

Master of Arts in
Institutional Chaplaincy

Coming soon! The MA in Institutional Chaplaincy is a full-time, two-year programme designed for those pursuing a calling in chaplain ministry.

Leading Zambia in Theological Education

Our Vision is to be a Centre of excellence for Reformed biblical Scholarship, devotion and teaching, impacting Africa with the gospel of Christ and a God centered worldview.

Make an Impact In Your Community

Our approach to education is practical and unique because of the connection to the local church. Students are expected to be part of the local church and the local church is a part of the students education.

Through this unique partnership, we jointly equip you and send you on mission together. This biblical approach better enables you to make a lasting impact for Christ